You are not alone if you are struggling to lose weight. Approximately 70 percent of adults in the US are considered overweight or obese.
Semaglutide Weight Loss Program
Hollywood Med Spa is pleased to introduce Semaglutide, a breakthrough treatment that has changed the landscape of weight loss solutions, delivering real results that last. Gain control of your weight loss journey and have a better quality of life.

Lower your blood sugar and feel full while melting your unwanted pounds away!
Highly safe and effective weight loss solution
Controls appetite and gives a full stomach feeling
Delivers significant weight loss results
Lower the risk of heart disease and have a better quality of live
Is Semaglutide Weight Loss Right for You?
If you’re considering weight loss with Semaglutide, Hollywood Med Spa is here to help.
We will evaluate your medical history and your unique needs and help you determine if this new weight loss program is right for you!
*Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.
Lose unwanted pounds and keep them off for good.
Once-weekly injectable medication done at home
Controls appetite and gives a full stomach feeling
Curbs appetite
Lowers blood sugar levels
Stimulates insulin secretion
Reduces the risk of chronic health conditions
Most common symptom: Nausea, which can be controlled
with dose adjustments.

Semaglutide Weight Loss Program
Semaglutide, FDA Approved and safe, is ideal for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater or adults with a BMI of 27 and at least one complication related to body weight, such as hypertension, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, or heart disease..

Lower your blood sugar and feel full while melting your unwanted pounds away!
Highly safe and effective weight loss solution
Controls appetite and gives a full stomach feeling
Delivers significant weight loss results
Lower the risk of heart disease and have a better quality of live
Burn more fat and experience dramatic long-term weight loss results